Storage company usually strive to ensure the safety of their customers when vehicles become disabled or in the event of a collision, but sometimes they tow your vehicle without having any legal ground to do so, or even if you have parked in the right place. Some companies may also charge excessive towing and storage fees.
Towing and storage fees are typically set by agreement between the police agency and the towing company. Residents should contact the police agency involved in the towing to verify fees. Residents should also review their automobile insurance policy or contact their insurance company to see if the policy covers costs related to the towing.

If you fail to redeem your vehicle or timely request a hearing, your rights to your vehicle may be terminated and your vehicle may be sold. Read this alert carefully and know how to protect your rights.
If you believe that your vehicle has been unlawfully towed or that you were charged unreasonable towing or storage fees, Michigan law limits where and when you may challenge such actions. This Consumer Alert explains the process you must follow to get your vehicle back and to complain about unlawful towing and unreasonable fees.
You have the right to challenge whether your vehicle was properly towed and the reasonableness of towing and storage fees, but you must do so in a timely manner and in an appropriate district court.
Commons Disputes against storage companies:
Stolen property due to negligence of the storage facility.
Excessive storage and towing fees.
Rent Increases.
Unsecured Spaces.